
Homoeopathic treatment for Abnormal uterine bleeding in Nepal

Abnormal uterine bleeding is when bleeding in between the monthly periods, or when there is bleeding for too long or it is an extremely heavy flow. Normal menstrual flow typically lasts approximately five days and occurs every 21 to 35 days.

Abnormal uterine bleeding is not always reported by women experiencing symptoms. Because of this, 3% to 35% of women worldwide may have abnormal uterine bleeding. It is estimated that about 1% of women in the U.S. are impacted by abnormal uterine bleeding.


There are many causes of abnormal bleeding, including:

  • Structural abnormalities in the uterus, including:
    • Fibroids (non-cancerous growths of muscle in the uterus)
    • Polyps (non-cancerous growths on the lining of the uterus and cervix)
  • Uterine cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Blood thinners for anticoagulation (medications that reduce the risk of blood clots)
  • Platelet dysfunction
  • Early pregnancy
  • Hormonal changes

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where cysts grow in the ovaries. PCOS may lead to hormonal imbalance. This condition may cause your periods to come at different times or not at all. PCOS is caused when certain hormones are out of balance. When this happens, you may have difficulty getting pregnant. You may grow hair on your body and face. Also, the hair on your scalp may get thinner.

 Menopause - In menopause there is changes in hormones. The changes can cause the lining of the uterus (endometrium) to get thick. This can cause bleeding, or abnormal menstrual cycles in terms of long the cycle lasts and how heavy it is (duration and quantity). For women who are in menopause, any bleeding should be thought of as not normal and should be investigated.


The signs of abnormal uterine bleeding can vary. Some signs that your bleeding may be abnormal include:

  • Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)
  • Bleeding at unusual times (between periods, after sex, during menopause)
  • Unusually long periods (seven days or longer)
  • Inconsistent menstrual cycles


several questions when working to diagnose abnormal uterine bleeding. These questions may include:

  • What brings on the bleeding?
  • What other symptoms are you experiencing?
  • Are you pregnant?

Your healthcare provider will then do a physical exam, including:

    • A pelvic exam
    • An exam of the cervix
    • A Pap smear



 Useful for abnormal uterine bleeding with very profuse periods. There is bleeding of gushing, bright red,offensive blood which contains dark clots worsen by slight motion .Given when along with copious bleeding, there is marked pain from the sacrum to the pubis. Useful for periods that last for long durations. Useful for inter menstrual bleeding and for excessive bleeding due to uterine fibroids.

 Thlaspi Bursae Pastoris

Very useful for treating abnormal uterine bleeding where periods last too long. They may last from one to two weeks altogether.Given when periods are profuse with expulsion of clots.There is bleeding is attended with severe uterine colic and cramps. There is exhaustion results from prolonged periods. There is also tendency for frequent periods.Best medicines for managing prolonged, profuse and frequent periods in cases of uterine fibroids.


Useful to manage inter menstrual bleeding in cases of abnormal uterine bleeding. There may also be attending complaint of too profuse and lengthy periods.Useful when uterine bleeding is bright red, and there may be a severe pain in the back during bleeding, followed by great weakness.


Useful for abnormal uterine bleeding in cases where the blood flow is pale, watery and profuse,even the smallest movement increases the flow. The bleeding is prolonged. Recommended when during periods, the face may become fiery red, and sometimes be attended with a ringing in ears.Useful when marked debility is present .Also there is preence of Anaemia in females.


Very beneficial for treating abnormal uterine bleeding which is profuse and bright red. Given when bleeding is gushing in nature and is attended with backache and pain in the hips.There is great bearing-down sensation is felt in the pelvis which gets worse when walking and standing.There is excessive bleeding which may also cause dizziness and fainting.


 Indicated for abnormal uterine bleeding with complaint of bleeding after sexual intercourse.Also indicated for profuse periods where flow is most excessive during the night. Given when the bleeding is attended with bearing down pain in the pelvis. There may be feelings of sadness and irritability along with a headache during periods.

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